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Nexus Institute for Research and Innovation (NIRI) is an independent and not-for-profit-sharing institution in Nepal, registered with a vision to promote quality research and innovation across the nation and beyond.

Lokopakar in collaboration with NIRI expanded its sessions to various parts of Nepal. Till date, this partnership has conducted sessions at Dolpa, Khotang, Palpa, Kaski, Synagja and Surkhet and for the students of Dolpa currently residing in Kathmandu for their further education after SEE(Secondary Education Examination).

The sessions were conducted on the topic “Stories About Us” where our moderators from NIRI and our participants shared their stories. This is a two way learning process where both the moderators and participants learn through each other’s experience.

Zonta Club Kathmandu is a registered NGO which has been working in Nepal to advance Zonta International’s mission and vision. Zonta focuses on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. Zonta Club Kathmandu works in collaboration with like-minded organizations to empower women in the local community.

Lokopakar has expanded to Jumla as Strength TogetHER Cohort 17 in partnership with Zonta Club of Kathmandu where the the girls of Jumla share their stories in relevant topics to make them believe in the power of togetHERness through stories.

Lokopakar in partnership with British Council for WOW Festival 2022 conducted Strength TogetHER program in Lumbini for two groups of girls of Awadhi Community studying in Grade 11 and 12 in Shree Karmahawa Madhyamik Vidhyalaya. Both online and physical sessions were provided to the participants on various topics to

Ward No 5

Lokopakar in collaboration with Kathmandu Municipality City, Office of Municipal Executive, Bagmati Province, Ward No 5 has expanded Strength TogetHER to Mahendra Bhawan Secondary School as Cohort 16. The sessions are being conducted in physical presence of the students.

Lokopakar started expanded Strength TogetHER sessions to Cohort 18 sessions at Jyotidaya Co-operative Secondary School. Physical sessions were conducted on various topics where girls of Grade 7,8 and 9 could share their personal stories.

Lokopakar in collaboration with Crystal Mountain School, Dolpa conducted Think Ink Workshop for 30 students of Grade 9,10,11 and 12. Eight Physical sessions were conducted to enhance soft skills like Public Speaking and Communication among the students.

In partnership with Taja Farm, Lokopakar conducted Farm Visit with sessions on Basic Farm Knowledge and Business Canvas Model for students of Grade 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Malpi International School. Students gained first hand experience on how does a farm operates where they could learn, act and reflect.

Lokopakar in collaboration with Antarikchya Pratisthan Nepal organized an event on the occasion of World Space Day 2022 on April 12 supported by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST).

The event was organized to instigate the vision to place the first Nepalese astronaut into orbit aptly coined as Vision 2050 in the presence of Secretary of Ministry of Science and Technology Ms. Pramila Devi Bajracharya and Vice Chancellor of NAST Mr. Sunil Babu Shrestha.

The event comprised of Three Panel Discussions on the topics STEM For Future Generation, In-House Manufacturing and Capacity Building and Space Policy and Planning.

Lokopakar conducted Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 8 of Padmodaya Secondary School. The sessions were conducted through donation drive in collaboration with NIRI. Physical Session of Stories about us in presence of Dr. Rajendra Pangeni was also conducted for students of Grade 10.

Lokopakar conducted Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 6 and 7 of Shree Nandi Secondary School. The sessions were conducted through donation drive in collaboration with NIRI.

Lokopakar conducted Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9 and 10 of Shaheed Shukra Secondary School . The sessions were conducted through donation drive in collaboration with NIRI.

Lokopakar conducted physical session of “Stories About Us” in Shree Padmakanya Vidhyashram Secondary School in presence of Dr. Rajendra Pangeni from NIRI.

Lokopakar conducted Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9 of Siddhi Ganesh Higher Secondary School . The sessions were conducted through donation drive in collaboration with NIRI.

Lokopakar conducted Strength TogetHER sessions for girls studying in Grade 9, 11 and 12 of Nepal Yubak Higher Secondary School. The sessions were conducted through donation drive in collaboration with NIRI.